Beyond the Fragments or Beyond the Left?

Four page leaflet produced as part of an intervention at the Beyond The Fragments conference in Leeds, 30th August 1980. The conference was named after the book by Lynn Segal, Sheila Rowbotham and Hilary Wainwright which proposed of reforging of the left.

The leaflet was authored by people in or around the Monday Group, London Autonomists, Rising Free bookshop etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on July 29, 2020

The fractious events of the day are covered in Big Flame #89 and in a full page article in Black Flag vol 06 #05 (Nov 1980). The Black Flag article includes a fetching photograph of one autonomist attendee standing on a table to address the audience of 1500 after having consistently been deined access to the microphone by the organisers.




4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on December 14, 2020

"The Black Flag article includes a fetching photograph of one autonomist attendee standing on a table to address the audience of 1500 after having consistently been denied access to the microphone by the organisers." This is Martin Wright.
I attended that conference but was highly dubious already about it, remaining on the bookstall of the Libertarian Communist Group, and not going into the main conference centre. I remember discussing my doubts with people like George Williamson
and his comrades, who either were distributing the above mentioned leaflet or one of their own, my memory fails me.